One point that struck me while reading other deaf blogs this past week however was the negativity surrounding oralism. Deaf people who use “hearing behaviors” or who speak occasionally instead of always communicating in ASL may be accused of not acting deaf by their peers—and this is NOT a compliment.. Read this blog. As someone who is late-deafened I almost always use my voice, though I’m learning ASL. I feel far removed from this oralism debate and can’t comment to the deaf perspective.
But as someone who is neither fully hearing or culturally deaf I will say this-- I do not believe all deaf people can learn to speak or lipread. It is wrong for the hearing to force such high expectations on the deaf. Over the years, the ability to speak among the deaf has wrongly been associated with intelligence level in some cases, which has hurt many highly intelligent deaf people. I want to be clear that the ability to speak and lipread is only related to one’s hearing ability and nothing more. Simply stated, some deaf people hear more than other deaf people. Some are born deaf, while others become deaf during childhood or later, after learning to speak. All of these factors taken into consideration can lead to greater advantages when learning to lipread and speak and also reading and writing abilities.

Then again, the deaf develop other language building blocks related to ASL. No one has ever studied this to my knowledge, but I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that IQ testing is skewed for the deaf simply because they think and process information differently. My guess is they are all much smarter than we know. Psychologists already understand IQ testing is not as much of a science as it is an art. We’re continually discovering new information about the brain—new ways of measuring intelligence and new types of intelligences. I suspect ASL expands intelligence in ways we have not measured yet. The deaf see our world differently and we would be wise to make the most of their gifts.
Instead we have tried to force them to be oral like square pegs into round holes. This has led to backlash among the deaf —a sort of reverse discrimination where everything “hearing” may be perceived as against deaf culture.
There was a simpler time long ago when deaf people could be oral or non-oral, and there was no rift in the deaf community. It didn’t matter. You simply did what you had to do to get ahead.
Regina Olson Hughes was one such person. She was born in 1895 and died in 1993. Always interested in drawing from the time she was a young child her parents had her tutored privately in art. At age ten she became sick with Scarlet Fever and began losing her hearing. (Another source said a doctor poured oil into her ears when she was a child.) It’s hard to know what caused her progressive hearing loss to start. She was deaf by the time she turned fourteen.
Eventually she took on a job for the State Department as a translator. Then later she worked for the Department of Agriculture as a scientific illustrator. She also took on another job with the Smithsonian’s Department of Botany painting plants. Today her work can be found in plant manuals, on pesticide labels, and in dictionaries, as well as museums and cards.
K, it sounds like a really neat book...I might have to look it up sometime.
I think that part of the reason that I fought being deaf for so long is because of the stereotypes that are put on many deaf people...that somehow, if their speech or hearing is not just right, it reflects their intelligence...I wanted no part of that. I had my own prejudices, apparently. Since I didn't lose my hearing until I was four, my speech is OK and my hearing was tolerable up until a year ago...and I just pretty much thought I was a hearing person, thankyouverymuch ;) (even with NO hearing in one ear and a profound hearing loss in the other!). It wasn't until I lost pretty much ALL my hearing and got out of denial that I started getting involved with the deaf/HOH community...and they have been my lifeline...some INCREDIBLE people that I almost didn't meet, due to my own bad attitude. That was one attitude adjustment that I'm incredibly grateful for :)
I just love reading your you care if I link to you in my sidebar?
I'm intrigued by several things you've said here, particularly the skewing of IQ as it relates to deafness. It reminds me of how little we actually do know and understand about the brain. In this day and age, it's preposterous to think that an inability to speak has a correlation to intelligence.
Thanks Jennifer-- I don't mind if you add me at all, and I added one of your blogs to my side bar quite some time ago. I hope you don't mind that I did it without asking. It was the recipes of MizAniie. I'm vegetarian, but my husband and sons eat meat and I knew they would love some of those recipes so I wanted to have it in a quick to reach place. I love reading your other blog and visit it pretty regularly, too. :-)
Hi Hetha-- Thanks for stopping by! :-) Someday I hope the culturally deaf, late-deafened and hard-of-hearing will unite and one force. I think deaf/hh unity would create a huge impact on how the public perceives us. We would be in a better position to educate the public as well. Nowadays the line between deaf and hard-of-hearing is murky anyway.
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