Tuesday, January 22, 2008

ASL Practice With My Husband

My husband and I took a couple beginning ASL sessions together two years ago, then he forgot nearly everything. He’s busy. We didn’t practice enough. I have deaf/HH friends who know a little sign, so I practiced with them and advanced more quickly, then he decided to drop out and I took more classes. To be fair, he isn’t a stupid man. He was fluent in German when we met, and he has taught himself French and Spanish since then. Normally he picks up languages quickly.

Now I’m taking ASL at the local community college, and finding I need to practice more often. So last weekend I asked him to help with my ASL vocabulary. Also, I thought maybe if he helped me practice he might pick up a few words. Sound like a good plan?

Breakfast seemed like the right time. I asked if he remembered the sign for bacon. We learned that before. He didn’t remember. I showed him.

“Really?” he asked in surprise, “Why are the fingers sizzling in an H instead of a B?”

“Whoa, great question!” I thought smiling. So I explained how the H looks more like a thin strip of bacon whereas the B- hand doesn’t.

Then I asked if he remembered the sign for coffee.
He made the sign for making out. I snickered and showed him the difference between “making out” and “coffee.”

Then I showed him “syrup.”

“Not to be confused with gas,” I said.

“Gas?” he piped up , “Which kind?”

“The kind you pump.” I showed him my fist. This is the tank, and here’s your spout. My right thumb became a spout.

“Oh!” he smiled mischievously, “How do you sign the other kind???” Men are just little boys in big pants, I thought to myself. Didn‘t my mom always say that?

I only just recently learned that “gas” sign. “Weellll,. . .” I made my hand into a fist again, “You see this fist can have another meaning. It looks like, er. . .an . . .something at the other end of your body. . .that can be offensive.“ He smiled broadly, as I traced around the index finger and thumb of my fist. He understood. Good, I thought.

“In fact,” I went on, “you don’t ever want to do the gasoline sign, stick your thumb ALL the way in, then pull it out with a jerk while frowning at someone or pointing at them. That’s bad. But the other kind of gas sign is. . .well, . . . you can make it look like air is coming out of your fist (which represents the other end) by filling up your cheeks with air, then pushing quick puffs out of your mouth while spreading your other hand out over the obscene part of the fist, OR you can just hold your nose.” I demonstrated. . .

“Why is it bad to. . .?”

“Nevermind,” I cut him off.

Next, it was time to practice. I’m terrible at lip-reading random words. Who isn’t?? There’s no context.

“mmmppfff” he says.


Mmmmpppfff” he emphasized.

I still didn’t get it.

“MMMPPPPFFFF.” he said it louder, moving his lips in slow motion.

“Sorry, I’m NOT getting it.”

“You know--MPF!, MMPPFF!” He said in frustration.

“Can you fingerspell it?”

He thought and paused as he formed each letter carefully. I’ve been told by ASL teachers to be patient because man fingers aren’t as nimble as female fingers. I sat. . .waiting. . . patiently.

Then I was confused. “S-t-r-u-n-k?” I guessed.

“NO!” he gasped in frustration. “I forgot “tht-- what’s THT?!?”

“tht?. . .ummmm” I thought hard.

Moving on, we proceeded down my list of vocabulary words. Several chapters worth. Each time I didn’t sign something exactly as it showed in the book, he’d correct me.

“Shows here TWO hands.”

“Yeah, yeah. It’s OK to do it with one.” I would assure him.

“That’s not what it shows.” He'd argue.

“Well, I’m telling you it’s OK!”

“Look. YOU did THIS, and the picture shows THIS! He would hold up the book. “You did it WRONG.”

“NO. I. DIDN’T. Deaf people sometimes use one hand because the other hand is busy. They don’t ALWAYS sign everything exactly the way it shows in the book!”

“Well, I’m just telling you so you’ll know. . .And your other hand WASN’T busy! Do you NOT want me to say anything if you do it the wrong way? Because from now on, every time you make a mistake I just won‘t say anything. . .if that‘s what you want . . .”


Then he signed a sentence. “You, me, make-out.” Clear as day. His eyebrows moved up and down suggestively. And another sentence . . . “I horny.”

This was no accident. We learned “horny” a couple years ago in ASL after a German woman accidentally told the entire class how horny she was. “Horny” happens to be one of the few signs my husband has never forgotten. Why? He’s a man.

I adore him, but he’s a lousy study buddy. I don’t get much ASL practice at home. I need Deaf support.


A Deaf Pundit said...

LMAO! That was hilarious! Sign along with vlogs, maybe?

Karen Mayes said...

Oh, hahahahaha... that is funny... I am sorry... but it is funny... me man you woman lines... hahahaha...

Yeah, I guess you need the support...

Check out the deaf club in your hometown or nearby?

Anonymous said...

Fluent needs more practice...
Thanks for sharing your interesting story

Anonymous said...

You can use Viable Vision and call your deaf friends and practice with them!! check out www.viable.net!

I am glad to help you practice ASL.

Call me anytime! :-)

Anonymous said...

LOL, me Tarzan...you Jane, yeah. There's one thing a guy will talk about and that's sex. How about ASL lessons that lead up to that "horny" sign? That'll hook him on the idea of practicing ASL with ya, like a secret code? :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...sometimes it can be odd but funny.

You know many people likes to learn the "sex" and bad words in sign language at first *BEFORE* they go on further to learn and study some more new signs.

*That is *PRETTY* common.


White Ghost

Jennifer said...

LOL...if that's not a typical male comment, I don't know what is!
I wish I lived closer and could be your study buddy. I couldn't take the classes last semester because they were on a church night, and can't this semester because I'm working so much :(. I really want to learn it...but learning by video has proven slow so far!! It would be so much more fun to have a buddy! :)
(ps...if my previous comment went through, delete this one. I think I closed the window before it posted, though!)

Anonymous said...

LOL - no wonder you're not getting much study done - too much 'other' study going on LOL (lucky sod!)

Anyway - that is so typical of a male and you brought a smile to my face. Why are men so interested in the sex, swearing, bodily function signs??? Beats me!!


Ocean said...


Yup, definitely looks like you got that dang "Mars/Venus" thing going on. Gets to be a pain in the ass after awhile.

I went through the same thing with a male friend when he was taking an ASL class - apparently his teacher was from another part of the country and had recently moved into the area, and was teaching signs that she knew from her neck of the woods. Whenever I would try to show him the more local signs, he would get all argumentative and say "but my teacher told us that it was signed like THIS!" Trying to explain that there can be several different ways of signing the same word didn't work.

I'd try to see if there are Deaf groups in your area that you can hang out with... sometimes they have coffee nights or the like where people gather together (they often seem to happen at a Starbucks).

If all else fails, viewing the vlogs on DeafRead.com can at least help you with reading signs and picking up new signs from watching others...

Another thing I would suggest - why not ask your teacher for ideas of practice opportunities? S/he might be aware of ways that you can study outside of the class - events, groups, clubs, etc.

Good luck with your studies!

Deaf Pagan Crossroads

Kim said...

Yeah-- well I'm glad some of you got a good laugh out of this. He makes me laugh too.

Jennifer I left a comment at your blog about ASL books and a website. I wish you lived closer too.

Hedy-- thanks for the great idea!!

So Ann and White Ghost-- you think I should teach him all the "fun" signs first- eh?

Thanks for stopping by y'all. ;0)

Sugar said...

LOL! Yeah, that's something my husband enjoys (racy signs), but would rather be leading the way to the boudoir.

Kim said...

Your husband too, Sugar? What do you think-- is it the ASL that turns them on, or. . .??

Anonymous said...

Oh, you are too funny! I had to read your entire post to my husband -- and we were still laughing about it all the while trying to get the wee one to sleep!

We take family ASL class every Sunday morning and one day we all 3 (including the little one!) announced to our lovely, but quite buttoned-down teacher that we were very, very horny! As I brought out a snack to assuage our "horniness" our teacher earnestly tried to explain in sign, and with a writing pad how important it was to sign "hungry" correctly.

Reading your post, though, I now suspect my husband knew exactly what he was doing.

Karen Putz said...

LOL at least the hubby is communicating his needs clearly! :)

Deb Ann and Hannah said...

ha, ha, ha

I'm soooo glad you shared as well!

Maybe we can practice on signs together on ooVoo on the computer?
An Idea:
Deafread vloggers/bloggers can practice on signing, and it can be up to six people on the computer with a web cam. You can check out the website, http://ooVoo.com
I use it and I love it. I talked with my four deaf friends on the computer at one time and it is just like in a chat room.

Kim said...

haha LiLi's Mom-- thanks for stopping by. Yeah-- your husband probably wanted to cut the session short that day. I bet the teacher has seen that more than once.

Kim said...

Yeah Karen-- communicating THOSE needs are at the top of the list of "MUST LEARN AND REMEMBER" when married to a deaf woman.

Kim said...

Thanks Deb Ann-- You know I would really love that at some point, but to be honest I am way too slow and I think I'd frustrate you. I don't have a webcam, however I do have a VP from Sorenson that I don't use since I got a new laptop. I need to have them out to reprogram. My friends around here recommended the VP, and offered to practice.

I've been confused by all the companies now and how they all work together.

This is an example of Late-Deafness. All the Deaf people know how the VP works because the information is all in ASL. I'm not fluent in ASL. I don't use a phone much. . .except for IP Relay and my SK before it was stolen.

I can't use an interpreter yet. Way too fast!

I am super confused by all the gizmos you all use.

I've fallen through the cracks here.

Abbie said...

HOLY COW! That is hysterical! Make out, gas, horny LOL! I must say I don't know any racy signs except how to flip the bird and I've been practicing that one every since my wee little one days :) I wish I could be your study buddy too!

You, me, study *wink* :)

Kim said...

There's a book in my library system written by a psychologist who treats Deaf patients. She signs. The book is called Signs For Sexuality. Just about everything you ever wanted to know is in there. And things you DON'T want to know too. :-)


Ya know-- this is one thing about church ASL classes and what not. When you're late-deafened and in a relationship. . . and at night when the hearing aids (or other peoples' case the CI comes off). . . sometimes you still want to talk about stuff. Sometimes I kinda miss the small talk in bed the way we used to when my hearing was better.

Kim said...

Hi Virginia--Thanks so much for stopping by. :-) I don't know why your comment didn't show up on my moderation page until today. (1/25) I can see you posted it three days ago. Strange. Yeah-- definitely a Mars/Venus thing. hahaha!

SpeakUp Librarian said...

Hi kw,
That is so funny. My husband has been totally unsupportive of my learning ASL. Whenever it comes up in conversation, he makes the sign for "sex" - the one sign he has learned! Of course, I find that a total turnoff and putdown. Men!

Kim said...

Well? That's a start. . .hahaha! ;-)