Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Coolin It In The Southwest

There's nothing that says Southwest quite like men with cowboy hats and hot sauce. I just had to take a picture.

Below are some real old time cowboys reenacting the gun fight at the OK Corral in Tombstone, AZ. The one on the right played Wyatt Earp. I thought he was HOT. The real Wyatt Earp was quite handsome just like this guy.

I had a hard time finding vegetarian food in the Southwest other than spicy beans. I'm not a big fan of beans. The two times I ordered "veggie burgers" they served patties made of out black beans and hot peppers. I prefer soy burgers without peppers. People in the Southwest like to cut the heads off bulls and other animals, then hang them up for decoration in their restaurants and other places of business. This reminds them never to eat beans combined with hot peppers. Black beans and hot peppers cause gas, diarrhea and indigestion. That is why people in the Southwest always eat meat.

We went for a short hike in the White Tanks to see wildflowers in bloom.

The tall cactus here is a saguaro, and the smaller pinkish one on the left is a barrel cactus, I think. The saguaro is smallish and may not be that old cuz it only has one nicely developed arm. Arizona had a lot of rain this past winter, so the desert started blooming earlier and was more spectacular than usual. I think the yellow flowers below might be Mexican poppies, and the blues could be some kind of blue sage. But I'm not an expert on wildflowers of the Southwest, so if you know the names, I would appreciate the correction. I loved the different colors against the pinkish rocks.


Deb Ann and Hannah said...

Cool pictures!!

I have a recipe of patties made out of nuts, but I haven't tried it yet. It's still in the vegan's recipe book. I have been vegaratian for almost a year and I eat a bit of meat once a while. Now I eat meat everyday but mostly at dinner times.

Kim said...

I would LOVE the recipe for the nut patties. I love nuts. I never eat any meat, except for the occasional clam which I decided is OK to eat since they don't have brains. They are very primitive, just one notch up from plants. Not even as intelligent as insects, so they don't know they're being killed for food. Even worms must be smarter, though I'm not sure about that. I have heard crabs and lobster are very stupid creatures with small brains, though I couldn't eat them since they have eyes.

SpeakUp Librarian said...

Great photos. Love how you said the dead animal decorations remind them to eat meat not spicy beans. *Smile.*

Deb Ann and Hannah said...

(laughing) I hate seafood and they're so scary to look at. :D

I found the recipe! Sorry, I thought it was made out of nuts. Really, it's a veggie/nut burger. I can post it in my blog for you.

Kim said...

You're afraid of clams?! That's the silliest thing. Just think how they feel about you. They are tasty with drawn butter~one of my favorite meals. I have dug them up myself for dinner many times. Kim